Bootcamp Switch Os

In the classic 'which is better' argument between Macs and PC's, PC advocates sometimes bring up features or characteristics of the Windows operating system as an argument for PC's being better than Macs. These individuals overlook a key feature of the Mac lineup - you can run Windows on them. While you need to purchase a copy of the Windows operating system separately from your Mac, once you do you can install it and enjoy the benefits of both operating systems. This is especially useful for individuals who want to use Macs but may rely on a few programs that are Windows-specific.

If you are looking to install Windows on your Mac, you have two options. You can either install Windows in Boot Camp, a native feature of the Mac OS X operating system, or you can use a virtualization program. These are third-party applications that run on your Mac just like any other program. They create a virtualization of another computer, allowing you to install a separate operating system. With virtualization software, it is almost like you are using two computers at the same time on one machine. There are many virtualization programs available, but Parallels Desktop for Mac is the most popular and will be the one we focus on. If you'd like to check out other virtualization options, VMware, Citrix and Red Hat are good alternatives.

So this is will be my first time ever trying to bootcamp (I'm nervous). I'll be using a Macbook Pro mid 2014 which I've been using for a long time now. The thing is that since the Mojave update, which made Nvidia web drivers uncompatible, I refused to keep upgrading my Os, so I've been using since the Mojave 10.14.6 Os.

Depending on your specific needs, you may want to chose Boot Camp for your Windows install or you may want to buy a virtualization program. They both have their own specific advantages and disadvantages when you compare them. However, before you make the decision to purchase Windows and install it on your Mac, you'll want to double check that your Mac is compatible with the Windows version you are planning to run. Use this handy reference from Apple to determine which versions of Windows your Mac is compatible with.

Once you have the appropriate version of Windows, you now need to decide whether you would like to install it with Boot Camp or Parallels.

How It Works

Boot Camp is built into the OS X operating system of the Macs. If you go to your Applications > Utilities folder, you will see the Boot Camp Assistant app. Boot Camp makes a separate partition on your computer's hard drive (think of it as splitting your hard drive into two separate parts) specifically for installing and running windows. Upon launching the Boot Camp Assistant app, you have the option to change how large this partition is. Once Windows is installed in Boot Camp, every time you turn on your computer, you will be asked to select the operating system you would like to run. This means to switch from OS X to Windows, you need to reboot your Mac.


  • Built into the Mac OS X operating system
  • Because Boot Camp runs Windows completely isolated from OS X instead of at the same time (like with virtualization), Boot Camp is less of a strain on your Mac's memory and is easier on your Mac to keep up and running.
  • The Boot Camp Assistant app guides you through the install process
  • Completely free! All you have to do is buy Windows and not any additional software
  • Free and easy updates


  • Once you partition the hard drive, you cannot adjust the partition size. Meaning if you create a 200GB partition for Windows but run out of storage, you would need to completely reset Boot Camp and repartition to the size you desire.
  • Every time you wish to switch between operating systems, you need to reboot your computer
  • No easy way of transferring files and data between operating systems. Either email them to yourself, use a cloud service like Dropbox or iCloud Drive, or use an external device like a USB drive or CD.
  • Because you need to partition the hard drive, you are effectively decreasing the available space on the OS X side of your Mac.

How It Works

If you decide to use Parallels Desktop, you first need to purchase both the Parallels program and your Windows operating system. The current version of Parallels Desktop is Parallels 10. It is available here for $79.99. Once you purchase, download and install Parallels, you can open the program and install your Windows operating system within it. Much like Boot Camp, you decide how much space you want to allocate toward Windows, but unlike Boot Camp, you can easily change these storage options after installation. Parallels runs like any other app on your Mac. When it is up and running, you see an entire Windows desktop within a window on your Mac (you can obviously full screen the program as well). This makes switching back and forth between systems incredibly easy.


In order to run Bootcamp, you do have to partition your hard drive, which means you will have smaller hard drives in both Mac and Windows. However, it is worth it when you can easily switch Bootcamp to Mac or Windows. Step 1 Press the power button on your Mac to turn it on or restart it. Parallels Desktop lets you easily switch between Mac and Windows without ever needing to reboot—unlike Boot Camp. With Parallels Desktop, copy and paste text or drag and drop objects between Mac and Windows. Open Windows applications side by side with your macOS applications, without having to restart your Mac. One of the best parts of Boot Camp is how easy it is to switch back and forth between operating systems. Click the Show hidden icons button in the Windows 10 taskbar. Click the Boot Camp button. Click Restart in OS X. Boot Camp and booting into Windows appeared at first to still be working great (I already had Boot Camp set up in regular Sierra). But now I can't boot back to MacOS. Apple also has written up a support article detailing how to switch in between Windows and Mac OS X. I will still attempt to figure out how to resolve the Bootcamp.

  • More functional than Boot Camp in the sense that you can run both operating systems at one time
  • Easy file integration between systems. You can even link desktops between your Parallels program and OS X so that any documents created in one system are automatically copied and saved to the other system.
  • Coherence Mode. This feature of Parallels blends the Windows and OS X environments together, giving you a common interface for both applications. This means that instead of having a whole Windows Desktop open within OS X, you can open Windows apps in Coherence Mode, and they look just as if you opened a Mac program.
  • No need to create a separate partition on your hard drive for Windows that cannot be easily changed as with Boot Camp.


Macbook bootcamp switch os
  • Compared to Boot Camp, Parallels is a greater strain on your Mac's memory and processing power since both operating systems are running at the same time. I would say that if you want to smoothly run either Windows 7, 8 or 10 on your Mac in Parallels, you should at least have 4GB of RAM on your Mac and if you like using many apps at the same time, I'd recommend having at least 8GB.
  • Parallels is a more expensive option than Boot Camp since you have to buy the Parallels software.
  • Updates are not as easy and affordable as Boot Camp. There is a new version of Parallels released in tandem with OS X updates every year and it usually costs $49.99 to upgrade. If you update the OS X version on your Mac, you will need the new Parallels version in order to be compatible. You do not need to reinstall Windows each time you update Parallels, however.
  • Some people may find that the Parallels route has a steeper learning curve than Boot Camp as Parallels is a completely separate application with far more preferences and settings to learn (or be confused by), whereas Boot Camp is a more straightforward setup.

If you have an older computer with less than 4GB of RAM, you probably want to go with Boot Camp as you will notice decreased performance running Parallels. If you're someone who wants to keep their Windows and OS X experiences entirely separate, Boot Camp is also the best option for you. Those looking to install Windows on their Mac as affordably as possible will also want to go the Boot Camp route. If you want to run Windows and Mac apps together at the same time and be able to quickly switch back and forth between operating systems, you definitely want to go with Parallels or another virtualization software (they all do virtually the same thing, no pun intended). My personal recommendation is that if you have a computer with enough RAM and a processor to handle it, go with Parallels. I find it easier to use and the ability to run Windows apps in Coherence Mode is awesome - giving you the best of both operating system worlds.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about Boot Camp, Parallels, virtualization or anything else, leave us a comment below or hit us up on our web chat! If you need help installing Windows on your Mac, our Apple Technicians are able to help you out. We charge $95 for the install and can also help you with purchasing and downloading Parallels and the Windows operating system!

Guest blog by Dhruba Jyoti Das, Parallels Support Team

One of my co-workers has previously written about the general procedure on how to set up a Windows virtual machine in Parallels Desktop based on your Boot Camp partition. But time flies fast, and Microsoft came up with Windows 10—not to mention, we recently released Parallels Desktop 11. Let me refresh what we’ve written in the past with updated instructions and the latest operating systems.

You can take advantage of two different options in Parallels Desktop to work with a Boot Camp partition. Let me guide you through both options.

Option 1: Using your existing Boot Camp installation.

Fire up Parallels Desktop. With Parallels Desktop active, go to your Mac upper menu and select File New. In the Parallels Wizard, choose Use Windows from Boot Camp and click Continue.

If the option to Use Windows from Boot Camp isn’t present in Parallels Wizard, try the steps below:

  • Choose Install Windows or another OS from DVD or image file and then click Continue.
  • On the next page, click Locate manually and Continue without a source box.
  • Choose the type of operating system installed in Boot Camp. (For example: Windows 10.)
  • Make sure the Customize settings before installation box is checked. Click Continue.
  • In the Configuration window, switch to Hardware tab Hard Disk 1.
  • From the Source drop-down list, choose your physical Boot Camp partition.
  • Close Configuration and continue your installation.

Option 2: Importing Boot Camp into a VM.

Bootcamp Switch Back To Os

This process will help you to eventually migrate all of your Boot Camp data into the VM and get rid of the Boot Camp partition (or leave it as a separate install).

Here’s how to import Boot Camp into your Parallels Desktop VM:

Bootcamp How To Get Back Mac

  • Set Parallels Desktop to use Boot Camp, as described above.
  • Right-click on the Parallels Desktop icon on your Mac dock and open the Control Center.
  • Right-click on the Boot Camp-based Windows and select Import Boot Camp.
  • Locate where you would like to store Windows and your data and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the import.

When you create a Boot Camp-based VM (as described in the first method), all of the changes you do on the Boot Camp side will be reflected in your VM and visa versa.For example, when you install a Windows program in the VM, it will also appear in Boot Camp.

On the contrary, if you import Boot Camp (using the second method), all the changes you do will be saved only on the side you actually perform them on. For example, if you install a Windows update on the VM side, it won’t appear in Boot Camp.

Switch Os Mac Bootcamp

If you are starting fresh and you do not have Boot Camp, you do not have to set it up. You can simply set up Windows in a standalone VM. That gives Windows its own slice of real hard drive space so you can use it without having to shut down your Mac OS.

Bootcamp Switch Operating Systems

Hope this information helps! And don’t forget to follow the Support team on Twitter.