Detail this asset from Unity Store:
Use the Graphics Debugger in Microsoft Visual Studio (2012 version or later) to capture individual frames of applications for debugging purposes, from platforms like Unity Editor, Windows Standalone or Universal Windows Platform An IAP feature that supports Microsoft’s In App Purchase simulator, which allows you to test IAP purchase flows on devices before publishing your application. After the Unreal tutorial on Flying like Superman, some people wanted to see how you could do that within Unity. So this video is just that. As you can proba.
This is a paid asset, but now you can download SRDebugger – Console & Tools On-Device Free.
St Debugger
SRDebugger – Console & Tools On-Device v1.9.1 (Latest version)
SRDebugger – Console & Tools On-Device v1.9.0
SRDebugger – Console & Tools On-Device v1.8.2
“If possible, please buy the package to support the developer”
SRDebugger is a tool to help you track down bugs while on the target device.
Access to the Unity Console in any build of your game allows you to diagnose problems without deploying a debug build tethered to the Unity Editor.
The options tab can help you tweak parameters and invoke methods, enabling fast iteration of gameplay features.
Designed from the ground up for performance, SRDebugger can be included in all builds of your product with minimal footprint.
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Key Features
– Unity 2017 / 2018 / 2019 ready.
– View the Unity console log at runtime.
– Fast iteration of gameplay parameters with the options tab.
– Identify performance hotspots with the built-in profiler.
– Tweak properties in the options panel, test out new parameters without redeploying to your device.
– Dock the console and profiler to the game-view to debug while playing.
– Pin any option to the game-view to tweak values without opening SRDebugger.
– High performance. Console supports hundreds of messages. With the debug panel closed, monitoring footprint is tiny.
– Implemented in the new Unity UI
– Responsive design supports any resolution or orientation.
– Works in Unity Personal and Unity Professional
– Full C# source code included.
– Control SRDebugger from Playmaker state machines.
Supports Standalone, iOS, Android, Windows Store, WebGL and Web Player platforms.
Icons provided by Icons8.
Get paid unity asset for free
Debugging Tools For Windows
I am would like to find out what are the best existing solution to tune a game built with sprite kit. Of course I can have all my tunable variables in a plist that is read every time I load the game, but I am looking to be able to tune the game on the fly. Unity can easily do that when running the game within the editor and 3rd party solution exist like SRDebugger to tune variables on device.Srdebug Is Obsolete
A quick search online didn't yield any concrete solution but before reinventing the wheel and write my own, I would like to find out what other developer are using.